County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: 1912-Dec. 1951 vol. 3, 1912-Oct. 1951
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Carbo-Oxygen Co. of America
Erie Dock Co
Lake Erie Boiler Works
Liberty Cartage Co., Merchdse W. H
Metalcrete Corpn, Floor Hardening Material Mfg

Center N. W [2401-2429]
Center N. W [2500-2529]
Elm N. W [2500-2527]
Hemlock Ave. N. W [1220-1244]
Hemlock Ave. N. W [1245-1274]
Loop Road N. W [2536-2608]
Mulberry N. W [2400-2531]
River Road N. W [1200-1309]
Spruce Ave. N. W [1244-1298]
Twenty-fifth St., W [1230-1259]
Twenty-fifth St., W [1261-1291]
Twenty-sixth St., W [1235-1271]