County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: 1912-Dec. 1951 vol. 3, 1912-Oct. 1951
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Fire Department, Hose Co. No. 4
I. O. O. F. Hall
Odd Fellows Building
Riester & Thesmacher Co., Sheet Metal

Aust Ave. N. W [2500-2711]
Church Ave. N. W [2501-2851]
Clinton Ave. N. W [2800-2831]
Dexter Place N. W [1525-1578]
Franklin Boulevard N. W [2500-2836]
Franklin Circle
Oriole Court N. W [2600-2619]
Twenty-fifth St., W [1500-1638]
Twenty-seventh Place, W [1500-1581]
Twenty-eighth St., W [1478-1599]
Twenty-ninth St., W [1447-1581]