County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: 1912-Dec. 1951 vol. 3, 1912-Oct. 1951
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Campbell Block
County Garage
Erie R. R. Coal Derrick
Interstate Sash and Door Co
Lederer Terminal Warehouse Co

Detroit Ave. N. W [2300-2471]
Riverbed N. W [1442-1541]
Superior Ave. N. W [2401-2419]
Superior Ave. N. W [2420-2463]
Twenty-third Place, W [1400-1545]
Twenty-fourth Place, W [1350-1365]
Twenty-fourth St., W [1362-1370]
Twenty-fifth St., W [1379-1581]
Vermont Ave. N. W [2435-2463]