County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: 1912-Dec. 1951 vol. 3, 1912-Oct. 1951
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Schrader, J., Co., Elec. Fixture Factory

Fenwick Ave. S. W [4400-1711]
Fenwick Ave. S. W [4712-4734]
Forty-fourth St., W [2110-2198]
Forty-fifth St., W [2095-2182]
Forty-seventh, W [2080-2165]
Forty-eighth Place, W [2079-2134]
Forty-eighth St., W [2067-2131]
Junction Road S. W [2183-2199]
Walworth Ave. S. W [4400-4718]
Wirth Ave. S. W