County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: 1912-Dec. 1951 vol. 3, 1912-Oct. 1951
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Astrup Co., Tents and Awnings Mfg
Carnegie Public Library, South Branch
Central Publishing House of the Reformed Church of the U. S
Fire Department, H. & L. Co. No. 5
Immanuel Evangl Luthn Ch., Sch., &c
Star Baking Co

Castle Ave. S. W [2300-2483]
Clark Ave. S. W [1900-2314]
Scranton Road S. W [2900-3096]
Seymour Ave. S. W [2001-2425]
Twentieth Place, W [3019-3096]
Twenty-fifth St., W [2901-3095]
Walton Ave. S. W [1800-2323]
Walton Court S. W