County: Franklin Co.
City: Columbus
Date: 1921-Dec. 1951 vol. 1, 1921-Oct. 1951
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Holy Cross R. C. Church, School, &c
Notre Dame Academy for Boys
St. Josephs Academy of the Sisters of Notre Dame
Telling-Belle-Vernon Co., Milk Depot, &c

Cherry, E [230-353]
English Alley [160-289]
Fifth, S [162-290]
Grant Ave., S [161-289]
Hubbell Alley [160-289]
Main, E [232-354]
Rich, E [230-353]
Ridgeway Alley [160-289]
Sixth, S [160-291]
Town, E [231-353]
Vinton Alley [160-289]
Walnut, E [232-361]