County: Franklin Co.
City: Columbus
Date: 1921-Dec. 1951 vol. 1, 1921-Oct. 1951
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Beck & Orr, Photo Engraving
Columbus Artificial Limb Co
Columbus Club
Costello Flats
McLene Flats and Offices
Norwich Hotel and Annex
Oakland Flats
Rosemont Flats
Salvation Army Barracks
Terry Engraving Co
Wall Business College
Y. W. C. A., Griswold Memorial
Y. W. C. A., Residence Hall

Broad, E [127-231]
Capital, E [126-231]
Chapel, E [129-220]
Fifth, S [1-159]
Fourth, S [1-160]
Lazell, S [2-158]
Oak [160-231]
State, E [125-226]
Town, E [128-220]
Young, S [1-90]