County: Franklin Co.
City: Columbus
Date: 1921-Dec. 1951 vol. 1, 1921-Oct. 1951
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American Insurance Union Building
American Legion
Annex Block
Citizens Bank Building
Deshler Wallick Hotel
Douglas Block
First National Building
Hoster Block
Hotel Athens
Kresge Block and Stores
Marzetti Building
Palace Theatre
Rankin Building
Wesley Block
Woolworth, F. W., 5 & 10 Cent Store

Broad, W [2-58]
Elm, W [1-60]
Fisher Alley
Front, N [2-128]
Gay, W [1-60]
High, N [1-125]
Long, W [1-59]
Lynn, W [1-60]
Wall, N [1-126]