County: Franklin Co.
City: Columbus
Date: 1921-Dec. 1951 vol. 1, 1921-Oct. 1951
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Brunson Building
Chittenden Hotel
Columbia Building
Dundon & Bergin, Building
Dunlap Building
Fort Hayes, Hotel
Jones-Whittier & Co., Whol. Dry Goods
Lyceum Theatre
Mithoff Block
Orr, Brown & Price Co., Whol. Drugs
Peerless Stove and Mfg Co
Roe-Eddy Hotel
Sloane, W. & J., Floor Coverings
Union Co., Store
Y. M. C. A., Building

Chestnut, W [1-61]
Front, N [130-258]
Hickory, W [1-60]
High, N [127-257]
Lafayette, W [1-60]
Long, W [2-60]
Spring, W [1-60]
Wall, N [127-256]