County: Franklin Co.
City: Columbus
Date: 1921-Dec. 1951 vol. 1, 1921-Oct. 1951
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Andrus Scofield Co., Wholesale Coffee and Spices
Buckeye Bag and Burlap Co
Buckeye Saw Mfg Co
Columbus Bolt Works Co., Plant No. 3
Dean & Barry Mfg Co.: Factory Building
International Harvester Co. of America, Implement Wareho
Railway Express Agency

Armstrong [360-387]
Chestnut, W [94-190]
Gorman [240-355]
Locust, W [95-160]
Ludlow, N [251-387]
Maple [93-191]
Naghten, W [93-190]
Randolph [95-190]
Water [259-352]
West [250-390]