County: Crawford Co.
City: Crestline
Date: Aug. 1930-July 1948
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Ohio Overcoat Co., Crestline Overcoat Shop
Crestline Emergency Hospital
Stout Dress, Inc., Dresses Mfg

Crestline, N [600-629]
Washington, N [near Ohio Overcoat Co.,]
Columbus, N [400-434]
Columbus, N [500-537]
Diamond, E [100-111]
Diamond, W [100-225]
East, N., nr Stout Dress, Inc
Henry, N [366-533]
Main, W [301-409]
Seltzer, N [600-629]
Thoman, N [600-629]
William, E [100-112]
William, W [100-224]