County: Montgomery Co.
City: Dayton
Date: 1918-1932 vol. 1, 1918
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Dayton Dry Cleaning & Repairing Co
Dayton Fan and Motor Co
Dayton Globe Iron Works
Dayton, Xenia & Springfield Traction R. R. Freight Depot
Duriron Castings Co., Foundry
Sigritz, G. A., Bottling Works
Startzer, G. H., Contractor & Builder
Troy-Pearl Laundry Co., Steam Laundry

Bayard [1-144]
Harrison [1-24]
Lincoln, W [1-24]
Ludlow, S [800-961]
Main, S [641-741]
Perry, S [700-928]
Stout [1-41]
Van Cleve [1-42]
Ziegler [2-156]
Zinck Ave [100-251]