County: Lorain Co.
City: Elyria
Date: Feb. 1933
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Couch-Uthe Co., Screw Machine Products
Elyria Memorial Hospital
McKinley Public School
N. Y. C. Lines R. R. Freight House
Vogler, W. J., & Son, Trucking and Storage

Bridge, E [200-221]
Broad, E [60-207]
Cambridge Ave [100-265]
Chase [101-141]
Clark [100-137]
Frank Court
Kenyon Ave [230-265]
Oxford Ave [230-265]
Park Ave [101-421]
Park Place [500-541]
Princeton Ave [100-264]
River, E [400-713]
River, Court
Riverside Court
Sherman [400-421]

Crisp J. C., Trustees Subdivision
Eastern Heights Land Co.: Subdivision No. 3
Eastern Heights Land Co.: Subdivision No. 4
Eastern Heights Land Co.: Subdivision No. 5
Ely G. H., Administrator Plat
Hobill Allotment
Laundon Allotment
Out Lot 75
Out Lot 76
Schmid Allotment
Wendt, C., Subdivision