County: Lorain Co.
City: Elyria
Date: Feb. 1933
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Elyria Water Works
Holy Cross Polish R. C. Church and School
Steel & Tubes, Inc., Elyria Division

Bank [1200-1325]
Birch [400-485]
Eighth W [400-498]
Eleventh, W [400-491]
Fourteenth, W [400-445]
Mussey Ave [401-413]
Mussey Ave [414-595]
Ninth, W [400-491]
Riverside Drive
Tenth, W [400-491]
Thirteenth, W [400-445]
Twelfth, W [400-531]
West, Ave [815-1415]

Banks, A., Addition
Ely Realty Co.s West Ave. Allotment
Ely Realty Co.s West Ave. Allotment, No. 2
Ely Realty Co.s West Ave. Allotment, No. 3
Ely West Avenue Allotment No. 2
Highland, D. W., Addition
Hurst, Carter & Fisher Addition
Mussey Avenue Allotment
West Avenue Allotment