County: Lorain Co.
City: Lorain
Date: Feb. 1910
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Commonwealth Hotel
Fire Department
Kent St. Meth. Episc. Church
Lorain Steam Laundry
St. Josephs Hospital
Wood Lumber Co

Broadway [1800-2049]
Eighteenth St., E [100-122]
Eighteenth St., W [101-223]
Elyria Ave [1800-2048]
Forest [100-122]
Kent [100-133]
Livingston Ave [1800-1951]
Modisette [100-129]
Nineteenth St., E [100-129]
Reid Ave [1801-2049]
Twentieth St., E [100-133]
Twentieth St., W [100-223]
Twenty-first St., E [101-207]
Twenty-first St., W [100-222]
Warsaw [100-122]
West [100-129]