County: Richland Co.
City: Mansfield
Date: Dec. 1914
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Bissman Co., Wholesale Grocery
Bormuth Hack Line & Transfer Co. Stables
Bushnell Novelty Co., Mop Pails
Friendly House
Hartman Electrical Mfg Co
Lantzs Flour Mill
Logan National Gas and Fuel Co
Mansfield Cold Storage Co
Mansfield Railway, Light & Power Co
Mansfield Transfer and Storage Co
Northern Hotel
Perfection Bed Spring Co
Shelly Candy Co
Social Settlement Building
Voegele & Dinning Co., Confectionery Mfg
Voegele Bros., Coal, Lime and Cement

Diamond, N [160-267]
Diamond, N [269-275]
Fifth, E [1-51]
Fifth, W [2-18]
Franklin, N [161-267]
Main, N [157-277]
Sixth, E [1-58]
Sixth, W [1-20]
Walnut, N [156-268]

Amanda Hartleys Subdivision
Hartleys, Amanda, Subdivision
Hedge J., Addn to Bentleys Add