County: Richland Co.
City: Mansfield
Date: Dec. 1914
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Cotters Transfer & Furniture Stge Co
Kallmerten & Baer, Coal Yard
Mansfield Electric Light & Power Co
Mansfield No-Dust and Supply Co
Mansfield Pattern Works
Martin, C. E., & Bros.: Corr. Iron Pipe Works
P. R. R. Freight Station
Triumph Valve Co

Adams, N [160-269]
Corporation Alley, E
Elm, W. S [N. of E. Fifth]
Fifth, E [65-145]
Franklin, N [160-266]
Lundys Lane, N
Orange [1-24]
Sixth, E [64-99]

Allen, A., Addition
Constance, W., Addition
Garrett, S. H., Subdivision
Hedge J., Second Addn to Bentleys Add
Otts, P., Subdivision
Sherman & Emmingers Addition