County: Richland Co.
City: Mansfield
Date: Dec. 1914
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Alberta, The
Bissman Flats

Atherton Alley
Boughtons Place [1-60]
Bowman [40-154]
Dickson Ave., W
Dows Alley
Fifth, W [105-199]
Fourth, W [109-202]
Grimes Alley
Long Alley
Pleasant Ave [1-61]
Temple Court, Pleasant Ave. to Bowman
Third, W [108-200]
Underwood Alley

Alheim, J., Subdivision
Barger, J. R. S., Subdivision
Boughton, C. A., Subdivision
Boughtons Addition
Bowland, R., Addition
Bowland, R., Second Addition
Coles Subdivision
Frees J., East Addition
McGintys Subdivision
Miller, et al. Subdivision
Newtons Subdivison
Parkers Addition
Runyans B. S., Subdivision
Shellen, J. R., Barger Subdivision