County: Richland Co.
City: Mansfield
Date: Dec. 1914
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

B. P. O. E. Home
Evangelical Luthn St. Pauls Church
First Christian Church
First Church of Christ Scientist
Fredrick Flats
K. of P. Home
Mansfield News, Printing
Mansfield Vulcanizing Works
News Building
Post Office
St. Pauls Evangl Lutheran Church

Cappeller Court
Fifth, W [27-103]
Fourth, W [19-108]
Mulberry, N [46-159]
Pleasant Ave [2-66]
St. Pauls Court
Temple Court, N. Walnut to Pleasant Av
Third, W [24-106]
Walnut, N [39-153]
Weldon Ave

Benedict & Bowers Subdivision
Boughton, A., Addition
Cairn, R., Addition
Copes, F. E., Addition
Harriet McLaughlin, Mrs., Subdivision
McLaughlin, Mrs. Harriet, Subdivision
Original Town