County: Richland Co.
City: Mansfield
Date: Dec. 1914
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Blymyer, The, Boarding
Clifton Terrace Apartments
First Congregational Church
First English Lutheran Church
First Presbyterian Church
Free Public Library
Kramer Bros., Wagon Works
Lauer Flats
Mansfield Telephone Co
Memorial Opera House
Niman Flats
Park Avenue Baptist Church
St. Matthews Lutheran Church
St. Peters Roman Catholic Church
Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Library Building, &c
United Presbyterian Church
Y. M. C. A. Building

Church Court
Library Court
Mulberry, N [1-45]
Mulberry, S [1-62]
Park, Ave. W [24-117]
Second, W [22-117]
Strawberry Alley: N. S., S. Mulberry to S. Walnut
Third, W [23-113]
Walnut, N [1-37]
Walnut, S [2-60]

Congregational Church Lot Subdivision
Kings, J. J., Subdivision
Sturge, E. P., Trustee, Addition