County: Tuscarawas
City: New Philadelphia
Date: June 1928
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Church of Christ
Trinity Episcopal Church

Allen Lane S. W [300-429]
Ashwood Lane N. W [300-429]
Fair Ave. N. W [300-428]
Fourth Drive N. W [101-171]
Fourth Drive S. W [101-171]
Fourth St. N. W [100-171]
Fourth St. S. W [100-171]
Franklin Square
Front Ave. S. W [301-429]
High Ave., W [300-429]
Third Drive N. W [100-171]
Third Drive S. W [100-171]
Third St. N. W [100-170]
Third St. S. W [100-170]

Campbells Second Addition
Campbells Subdivision