County: Tuscarawas
City: New Philadelphia
Date: June 1928
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Church of the Nazarene
Goshen Feed and Supply Co
New Philadelphia Feed Mill
P. R. R. Depot
Public Library

Beech Lane N. E [100-171]
Beech Lane N. W [100-129]
Broadway, N [200-371]
Cedar Ave. N. E [100-171]
Cedar Ave. N. W [100-129]
Fair Ave. N. E [101-171]
Fair Ave. N. W [101-129]
First Drive N. E [200-371]
First Drive N. W [201-371]
North Ave. N. E [100-170]
North Ave. N. W [100-128]
Ray Ave. N. E [100-171]
Ray Ave. N. W [100-129]
Second St. N. E [200-370]