County: Clark Co.
City: Springfield
Date: 1928-Aug. 1950 vol. 2, 1928-Aug. 1950
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Buckeye Incubator Co., Plant No. 2
County Highway Department, Garage and Machine Storage
Downey, W. C., & Co., Wire Bale Tie Factory
Stratton Grain Co
Clark Memorial Home, Old Ladies Home
Ansted & Burk Co., The, Flour Mill
Buckeye Mfg Co., The, Radio Cabinets

Chestnut Ave [201-339]
College, E [200-347]
Limestone, N [422-616]
Mt. Vernon Ave [200-347]
Warder [200-345]