County: Clark Co.
City: Springfield
Date: 1928-Aug. 1950 vol. 2, 1928-Aug. 1950
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Wittenberg College

Cassilly, W [1-30]
Cecil, W [1-330]
Fountain Ave., N [701-1133]
Home Place [954-1137]
Lowry Ave., N [1000-1137]
McCreight Ave., W [1-319]
Madison Ave., W [1-36]
Northern Ave., W [1-116]
Plum, N [1100-1132]
Pythian Ave [954-1137]
Ward, W [2-330]
Woodlawn Ave [700-1137]

Seitzs Addition