County: Clark Co.
City: Springfield
Date: 1928-Aug. 1950 vol. 2, 1928-Aug. 1950
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

First Friends Church
Mercy Hospital
Mercycrest Home for the Aged
Jefferson Public School
Ohio State Pythian Childrens Home
Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church

First, E [1-150]
Fountain Boulevard [1200-1441]
Fountain Boulevard [1500-1540]
Fourth, E [1-149]
Garfield Ave [1200-1521]
Limestone, N [1201-1537]
McCreight Ave., E [2-150]
McCreight Ave., W [2-230]
Pythian Ave [1200-1440]
Roosevelt Drive [1-149]
Second, E [1-150]
Sunnyside Place [1-231]
Third, E [1-150]

McCreights Unrecorded Plat