County: Lucas Co.
City: Toledo
Date: 1921-Mar. 1951 vol. 1, 1936-Jan. 1951
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Bostwick-Braun Co., Hardware W. Ho
Creasey Co., Wholesale Grocery
Heinz Co., Wholesale Grocery
Lamson Bros. Co., Merchandise W. Ho
Armour & Co., Wholesale Meats
Bartley Co., Wholesale Grocery
Bueschem, A., Coal Yard
C. & L. E. R. R. (Electric): Office and Baggage Room
County Relief Administration Offices and Warehouses
Flower, S. W., & Co., Seed Warehouse
Harnit & Hewitt Co., Wholesale Grocery
Imperial Grain and Milling Co
Merchants & Manufacturers Warehouse Co., Wholesale Grocery
Swift & Co., Wholesale Meats
Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., F. Bissell Division

Belmont Ave [1-26]
Eleventh, S [700-808]
Erie, S [2-136]
John R [1-21]
Lafayette [700-833]
Lucas [1-56]
Michigan, S [1-45]
Ontario, S [1-48]
Vance [14-56]
Washington [701-815]