County: Lucas Co.
City: Toledo
Date: 1921-Mar. 1951 vol. 1, 1936-Jan. 1951
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City of Toledo, Water Dept., Offices
Salvation Army
Catholic Charities, Offices
City of Toledo: Buildings
Community Welfare House
Fire Department: Fire and Police Alarm Building
Standard Tent and Awning Co

Beech [600-726]
Cherry [615-833]
Crane Lane [600-639]
Dove Lane [600-639]
Erie, N [541-640]
Huron, N [541-555]
Michigan, N [600-640]
Ontario, N [542-578]
Ontario, N [600-639]
Orange [601-621]
Orange [622-735]
Orange [800-836]
Swan Lane [601-639]