County: Lucas Co.
City: Toledo
Date: 1921-Mar. 1951 vol. 1, 1936-Jan. 1951
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Great Lakes Foundry & Machine Co
Hosko, M., Fishery
Phoenix Hotel
Astor Hotel
Dewey, J. N., Co., Wholesale Fish
Judy, H. F., Wholesale Fish
Kuhlman Builders Supply and Brick Co.: Yard No. 2
Municipal High Pressure Pumpg Statn
Toledo Fish Co., Wholesale Fish
Toledo Foundry and Machine Co
Western Woodworking & Lumber Co

Cherry [100-330]
Ostrich Lane [700-739]
Summit, N [700-741]
Superior, N [700-740]
Vine [200-245]
Walnut [201-333]
Water [700-745]