County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: 1912-1953 vol. 6A, 1913;Republished 1952
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Church of God in Christ (col.), 6812 Woodland Ave. S. E
Gardner Cariage Co., Truck Garage
Norton Bros. Co., Roofers
St. Edwards R. C. Church, School, &c

Beaver Ave. S. E [6514-6915]
Bushnell Court S. E [6613-6815]
Kinsman Court S. E
Sixty-seventh, E [2600-2675]
Sixty-eighth, E [2600-2691]
Sixty-ninth Place, E
Sixty-ninth St., E [2600-2679]
Woodland Ave. S. E [6516-6914]