County: Cuyahoga Co.
City: Cleveland
Date: ?1912-1953 vol. 17, 1929; Republished 1953
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Allien Ave. N. W [17500-17825]
Allien Court
Bradgate Ave. S. W [17200-18006]
Burt Court
Dartmouth Ave. N. W [17200-17521]
Fernshaw Ave. S. W [17101-17513]
Fernshaw Ave. S. W [17514-17619]
Groveland Ave. S. W [17900-18129]
Lorain Ave [17800-18235]
Old Lorain Road
One Hundred & Seventy-sixth St., W [3736-3751]
One Hundred & Seventy-eighth St., W [3720-3747]
One Hundred & Seventy-eighth St., W [3748-3782]
One Hundred & Seventy-ninth St., W [3700-3775]
Oxford Ave. N. W [17200-17521]
Riveredge Road S. W [3864-3945]
Rocky River Drive N. W [3680-3784]
Rocky River Drive S. W [3900-3938]