County: Montgomery Co.
City: Dayton
Date: 1918-1956 vol. 4, 1932 Republished 1955
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Brethren Church, 2907 N. Main
Riverdale Church of Christ

Beechwood Ave., E [1-49]
Beechwood Ave., W [1-217]
Bruce Ave., E [12-150]
Bruce Ave., W [1-11]
Bruce Ave., W [12-71]
Cliff [100-151]
Fernwood Ave [15-98]
Forest Glen [2-60]
Hillcrest Ave., E [1-60]
Hillcrest Ave., W [1-216]
Imo Drive [600-630]
Knecht Drive [15-21]
Knecht Drive [22-117]
Kurtz Ave [100-141]
Main, N [2800-2929]
Main, N [3229-3245]
Maplelawn Drive [7-41]
Maplelawn Drive [100-147]
Maplewood Ave., E [2-10]
Maplewood Ave., E [12-73]
Maplewood Ave., W [2-62]
Merrimac Ave [3101-3329]
Odlin Ave [1-32]
Pointview Ave [13-85]
Prospect Ave [900-1025]
Sandalwood Drive [400-519]
Sandalwood Drive [521-725]
Valley View Drive [250-276]
Willowood Drive [400-435]