County: Montgomery Co.
City: Dayton
Date: 1918-1956 vol. 5, 1918 Republished 1956 Republished 1956
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Kuntz-Johnson Co., West Dayton Branch, Bldg. Materials
Westwood Baptist Church
Westwood Lutheran Church: 3019 Oakridge Drive

Bedford Ave [800-871]
Clarkson Ave [700-869]
Crestmore [401-767]
Delphos Ave [3800-4071]
Fairbanks Ave [3700-3740]
Fairbanks Ave [3800-4115]
Gettysburg Ave., N [900-1399]
Hoover Ave [3700-4229]
Kammer Ave [1700-1915]
Kammer Ave [4100-4249]
Oakridge Drive [3001-4013]
Osmond Ave [600-869]
Shenandoah Drive [4200-4237]
Vina Villa Ave [4200-4249]