County: Montgomery Co.
City: Dayton
Date: 1918-1956 vol. 5, 1918 Republished 1956 Republished 1956
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General Motors Corp., Inland Mfg. Div
Jackson Public School

Arlington Ave [1-166]
Chicahominy Ave [200-308]
Decker Ave., S [2-148]
Halloway, S [1-142]
Home Ave [3000-3045]
McCall Ave [3200-3425]
Maywood Ave [3100-3631]
Minden Place [3200-3425]
Moss Ave., S [15-80]
Plaza Ave., S [1-13]
Plaza Ave., S [15-78]
Poplar [200-301]
Resaca Ave [200-231]
Third St., W [3400-3630]
Upland Ave., S [1-148]
Upper Ave [15-70]
Ventura Ave [21-145]