County: Summit Co.
City: Akron
Date: Sept. 1886
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Akron Manufacturing Co
Akron Oat Meal Mills
Alger Block
Allen, & Co., Flour Mills
Allen, Mills
Allen, W. A., Wagon Works
Arcade Block
Beacon Printing
Citizens Electric Light Works
James & Pickton, Furniture Works
Kelly Block
Kholer Block
Mathews Block
Peoples Theatre
Smith Bros., Mfg Chemists
Thomas, D. W., Planing Mill
Whitelaw Block
Woods Block

Ash, near Mill
Canal, N
Canal, S
Howard, S [100-195]
Main, S [100-194]
Market, E [100-116]
Market, W [100-240]
Mill, E [101-119]
Mill, W [101-117]