County: Summit Co.
City: Akron
Date: Sept. 1886
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Akron Varnish Works
Bartlett, H., Planing Mill
Brodt & Schott, Pork Packing
Clarendon Hotel
Henninger & Bartlett, Planing Mill
Kubler & Beck, Varnish Works
McClelland, W. A., Saw & Planing Mill
Merrill, E. H., & Co., Pottery
Phillips, T., & Co., Paper Mills
Selle Gear Co
Vogt, C., Carriage Fact

Bowery [201-425]
Center, W
Exchange, W [101-225]
Main, S [400-630]
Middlebury, W [100-207]
State, W [100-205]
Water [200-425]