County: Lorain Co.
City: Elyria
Date: Feb. 1933
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City Hall
County Court House
Elyria Block
Elyria Savings and Trust Building
Elyria Telephone Co., Exchange
Fire Department, Station No. 1
First Congregational Church
Hotel Elyria
Hotel Jackson
Peerless Laundry and Dry Cleaning Co
Salvation Army Hall
Troxel Mfg Co., Saddles and Bags Mfg
Y. M. C. A

Broad [400-599]
Court [100-231]
Lodi, S. of N. Y. C. R. R [100-119]
Middle Ave [101-235]
Second [262-367]
Second, Street Alley
Temple Court
Third [265-367]
Tremont [300-360]
Washington Ave [100-210]
West, Ave [54-234]