County: Tuscarawas
City: New Philadelphia
Date: June 1928
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A full color archival version of this map is available from the Kent State University Institutional Repository.

Buckeye Tool and Machine Co
Lake Oil Co
Union Lumber Co

Beech Lane N. E [200-271]
Cedar Ave. N. E [200-253]
Fair Ave. N. E [201-271]
Gasoline Alley
Kaserman Ave. N. E [300-341]
North Ave. N. E [200-370]
Pearl N. E [300-350]
Ray Ave. N. E [200-259]
Ray Ave. N. E [301-381]
Second Drive N. E [200-271]
Second St. N. E [201-371]
Third St. N. E [200-240]
Third St. N. E [241-272]

Kniselys Addition
Powelson Heirs & Judy Subdivision